Mission of Pilgrim’s Pathway Ministries

     The mission of Pilgrim’s Pathway Ministries is to aid all Christians on their journey to the Celestial City as John Bunyan beautifully described in his book the Pilgrim’s Progress. Here at Pilgrim’s Pathway Ministries we acknowledge that Isaiah called this Christian Pathway, “the Highway of Holiness” (Isaiah 35:8) and that God calls all Christians on this journey to a life of holiness.

     The Apostle Peter writes in (1 Peter 1:15-16), “But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’” Taking this truth seriously we offer a variety of resources for the promotion of Biblical Holiness. Through these sermons, podcasts, videos, books, blogs, newsletters, and music we seek to propagate the message of Biblical Holiness by way of the Internet to all corners of the world.

     We also believe that God has called us to unify the remnant of His Church in these last days under the banner of “Holiness Unto the Lord” to declare this message to the ends of the earth. Do you desire to join us in our efforts for the glory of God? If you do, please click on the “JOIN” tab to find a place for you in this mission.

Statement of Faith of Pilgrim’s Pathway Ministries


     We believe in God the creator and providential sustainer of all things. He is eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly holy. He is the sovereign governor of the universe. God is holy love and exists eternally in one essence as the three persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

     We believe in Jesus Christ, God incarnate, Savior of the world. The one person of Jesus Christ exists in two natures: the divine and the human. He exists in three offices: Prophet, Priest, and King. He was born of the Virgin Mary and suffered death upon the cross for the redemption of all mankind as a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, as satisfaction for the sins of the whole world. He then rose bodily from the dead, and ascended into Heaven, where He acts as Mediator. We believe that Jesus Christ is also the Baptizer, and baptizes Christians with the Holy Spirit and fire for purity and power.

The Holy Spirit

     We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead who exists eternally. The Holy Spirit was given to the Church in His fullness on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is the agent or administrator of redemption and is at work and resides in the heart of the regenerated. The Holy Spirit gives the justified assurance and works in willing hearts to produce the fruits of the Spirit and gifts. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live lives of obedience to God and enables believers to impact the world around them for Christ’s sake.


     We believe that God created humans in His image to enjoy perfect fellowship with Him. But through the willful disobedience and sin of Adam and Eve mankind has fallen from this place of fellowship with God. Mankind is totally depraved in its natural state, but this depravity is curbed by the prevenient grace of God, which restores many benefits to fallen mankind including the ability to respond to the saving grace of God as long as one does not willfully resist it.


     We believe that justification is pardon or forgiveness of sin. Justification is by faith alone and is preceded by repentance. Justification is that act of God’s grace that absolves the sinner from all past guilt and removes the penalty of sin. God receives the justified believer into favor and fellowship as they continue to walk by faith in Christ. Justification is always accompanied by regeneration.


     We believe that regeneration is the impartation of spiritual life to the human soul. God imparts, organizes, and calls into being the capabilities, attributes, and functions of the new nature. It is the change from death to life, from the dominion of sin, to the reign of grace. Regeneration restores the spiritual life, which was lost by the fall. It is instantaneously wrought by the Holy Spirit and always accompanies justification.

Entire Sanctification (Perfect Love)

     We believe that Entire Sanctification is a state of grace where the heart is cleansed from all sin and filled with perfect love for God. It is purity of heart. It is loving God with all the heart, soul, mind, and strength. It is pure love of God and man shed abroad in a faithful believer’s heart by the Holy Spirit. In the state of Entire Sanctification all pollution of sin is removed from the heart. Grace, and nothing contrary to grace, possesses the heart. Entire Sanctification is subsequent to regeneration. It is received by faith alone, which is preceded by entire consecration. It is both the privilege and duty of all believers to be entirely sanctified and made perfect in love. It is God who calls all believers to Entire Sanctification and He is also faithful to do it.

The Scriptures

     We believe that all sixty-six books of the Bible, both the Old and New Testament, were given by inspiration of God without error. The Bible is the only written Word of God. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. The Scriptures are the final authority on all matters pertaining to doctrine and theology.

The Church

     We believe the Church is not a building but individuals, the ekklesia of God, “the called out ones.” The Church is all those throughout time that have been justified by faith in Jesus Christ and persevere in faith to enjoy final salvation for all eternity. The Church is the bride of Christ, which is to be making herself ready for His return. The Church is the body of Jesus Christ and dwells on earth with the purpose of proclaiming the full Gospel and giving their lives for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Last Things

     We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ to bring a final end to all evil and final victory over Satan. We believe in the bodily resurrection of all the dead for final judgment according to their works: the just to eternal life and the wicked to everlasting destruction. We believe that all things will be made new in both Heaven and on Earth, and Jesus Christ will reign forever and ever. Amen.
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© 2015, Pilgrim's Pathway Ministries